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After getting acquainted with the idea of ​​the Resource Allocation System and definitions, we can start setting up an account.

Create the user's account

At the top of the page, click on Account application and follow the instructions.

The account activation has the following stages:

  1. New - the user has submited an application. The website sends a message in order to confirm user's e-mail address.
  2. Confirmed - the user has confirmed the e-mail address provided during registration.
  3. Accepted - the administrators accepted the data given in the application.
  4. Activated - the account has been launched in the system.

The details of the account creation process are presented in the diagram below.

    participant User
    participant ICM

    rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
    note over ICM,User: Manual steps.
    User ->>+ ICM: The user completes the "account application" at
    ICM -->>- User: ICM sends e-mail with magic URL.
    User ->>+ ICM: The user confirms his/her e-mail by clicking on the magic URL.
    ICM -->>- User: ICM accepts account.
    rect rgb(200, 150, 255)
    note over ICM,User: Automatic step.
    ICM ->> ICM: Create an LDAP account.
    rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
    note over ICM,User: Manual steps - user logs in for the first time.
    User ->> ICM: first login to - register 2FA token.
    User ->> ICM: login to - accept the regulations.
    User ->> ICM: - join/create a computational project.
    rect rgb(200, 150, 255)
    note over ICM,User: Automatic Steps.
    ICM ->> ICM: Activate ACL and SLURM.
    ICM ->> ICM: Ability to login to hpc.
    rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
    note over ICM,User: Manual step
    User ->> ICM: ssh login:


Due to two-factor authentication (2FA), you will need to setup OTP token during first login.

Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator (PI)

Only the Principal Investigator (PI) can create projects and apply for computational resources (allocations).

We grant Principal Investigator (PI) rights to users who:

  • works in a Polish research instituition/university
  • holds a doctoral degree

The student / PhD candidate should ask the academic supervisor to create a project and apply for allocation.

Principal Investigator (PI) - obligations

Once the project is launched, the Principal Investigator is obliged to:

  • Submit report from project, annualy.
  • Ensure that the publications indicate the computational support of ICM infrastructure.
  • Verify information about users of his/her project, e.g. report people with whom they have terminated their cooperation until the account is closed, correct their contact details.
  • Update the grant summary as scientific calculations develop.
  • Update data on the research institution in the event of its change by the grant manager or user.
  • Follow the licensing rules.
  • Report the scientific publications obtained thanks to the computational resources provided by ICM in the Resource Allocation System.
  • Once a year, the Principal Investigator is invited to participate in the KDM Users' Reporting Session at ICM. Costs of participation are covered by ICM. Informations about this event are sent by e-mail.

How to become PI?

Login to the Resource Allocation System

Once the account is activated, the user is can login.

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