QOS - Quality of Service
Topola - qos
[username@hpc ~]$ sacctmgr show qos format=name,MaxWall,Priority,GrpTRES,MaxJobs%15,MaxSubmitJobsPerUser,MaxTRESPU%15,MaxTRESPA%25
Name MaxWall Priority GrpTRES MaxJobs MaxSubmitPU MaxTRESPU MaxTRESPA
---------- ----------- ---------- ------------- --------------- ----------- --------------- -------------------------
normal 0
hpc 7-00:00:00 750 64 128
plgrid 7-00:00:00 750 64 128
egi 7-00:00:00 500
meteo 1500
Okeanos - qos
okeanos-login1 /home/username> sacctmgr show qos format=name,MaxWall,Priority,GrpTRES,MaxJobs%15,MaxSubmitJobsPerUser,MaxTRESPU%15,MaxTRESPA%25
Name MaxWall Priority GrpTRES MaxJobs MaxSubmitPU MaxTRESPU MaxTRESPA
---------- ----------- ---------- ------------- --------------- ----------- --------------- -------------------------
normal 0
hpc 2-00:00:00 750 32 node=90
internal 2-00:00:00 2000 node=64
meteo 2-00:00:00 1000 node=138
RYSY - qos
username@rysy ~ $ sacctmgr show qos format=name%20,MaxWall,Priority,MaxTRESPU%60
Name MaxWall Priority MaxTRESPU
-------------------- ----------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------
normal 2-00:00:00 100 node=2
short 00:15:00 10000
prio 2-00:00:00 10000
long 7-00:00:00 1 cpu=8,gres/gpu=1,gres/ve=1,mem=90G,node=1
none 0 cpu=0
internal_test 7-00:00:00 0 gres/ve=8,node=1
special 4-00:00:00 0
low 10
limit_interactive 12:00:00 1000 cpu=8,gres/cpuonly=8,gres/gpu=1,gres/ve=1,mem=90G,node=1
TRES - Trackable RESources. A TRES is a resource that can be tracked for usage or used to enforce limits against
PU - Processing Unit.