Project report
The project is reported once a year, usually at the turn of February / March.
A reminder sent in advance by e-mail to principal investigator and users. The report shall be submited into the system by the principal investigator (PI).
The PI's task is to summarize the project calculations and justify the use of ICM resources.
Why shall you submit the report
Why are reports important?
The reports are required to obtain funds for the development and maintenance of the Computing Center (including the purchase of computing servers) and access to computing capabilities (energy costs, technical service, technical support for calculators, etc.).
Failure to submit a report by the principal investigator may result in the closure of the project.
Both, you and us wish to keep the scientific calculations non-commercial.
How to prepare a report
The report should include:
- summary of activities and results of calculations
- information about the software used
- information about the machines on which the calculations were carried out
- the amount of resources used (CPUh)
- information about the possibility of using parallel calculations
- short information on grants (NCN, NCBiR, FNP and others) in which calculations conducted at ICM are used
- publications related to the computational grant (you pase in the DOI)
- information on promoted master's and doctoral theses
- the report should contain only text (no diagrams, no attachments, etc.).
It is worth remembering to verify:
- project summaries
- contact details of PI and users (please remember to update academic titles, telephone numbers and e-mails).
All publications related to the project should be included on the project's website. Moreover, the publications shall contain the following information (does not apply to software licenses such as ANSYS, Gaussian, VASP):
This research was carried out with the support of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling University of Warsaw (ICM UW) under computational allocation no Gxx-xx.
Obliczania zostały zrealizowane dzięki wsparciu Interdyscyplinarnego Centrum Modelowania Matematycznego i Komputerowego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (ICM UW), nr alokacji Gxx-xx.
How to submit the report
Since 2021 the report should be submitted via
If you have not carried out the calculations (or have just started them), or for other reasons you are not submitting the report, click on Send report
and fill out only one field at the bottom of the page: 'Reason for not updating the project'.
Detailed instructions below.
Log in according to the instructions.

Project selection
Select projects that require a report.

A summary of the project
If the abstract requires updating, click on Update project information

Note that you only need DOI to add a publication.

Complete the remaining data: Related Grants (NCN, NCBiR, etc.)
, Publications
and Review
In the Related Grants
section, please provide information on the source of research funding, e.g. NCN, NCBiR, University X internal grant.

Send review
To send a review, click on the Send review
link at the top of the page.

Click on Confirm
to send the report (changes will not be possible later). Done.